Do we have a deal?
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Do We Have a Deal? is a card game created in order to study shadow dynamics and corruption mechanics. The game explores collective action in an attempt to create public goods – players decide if they act for the common good or for their individual gain.

Although, the purpose of the Do We Have a Deal? is serious, the game itself is fun and engrossing.


Because Do We Have a Deal? is all about fishy deals, bluffing and negotiations.

The players can focus on their own profit and bribe those who will be trying to stop them. But they have to look out for other who won’t be corrupted!



Every round has few steps. Moderator announces the start and the end of each round.

1 step: Choose your Meeting partner (according to the rules established by the Moderator).

2 step: Choose one of your Action cards and place it in the Action Decisions envelope.

Optional: 3 step: Monitoring. Monitored player has to give his envelope for inspection to the monitoring player.

4 step: A deal.

5 step:  Sanction.

4 step: Again, to dodge Sanction card players can strike a deal with the money they were given at the beginning of the game.

6 step: Denounce. After playing this card a player can reveal the envelope of the other player to all game participants. Player needs to monitor the other player first.

4 step: Again, to dodge Denounce card players can strike a deal with the money they were given at the beginning of the game.

7 step: Hand one of your Action Decision envelope to the game Moderator. Moderator counts their profit and loss for the group (if there are any).

Moderator announces the end of the round and Meeting. Players change their Meeting partner.

At the start of of the new round Moderator announces previous round’s results (shared costs and shared costs per player).

After the game ends all points are counted up and the results of the game are revealed.


Created in order  to study shadow dynamics and corruption mechanics.


Participants learn about dynamics of corruption.

Players gain knowledge about negotiations and unfairness of business.

Players learn about denouncing mechanism and how it impacts trust between different parties.

Players understand common goods dilemma.

Players recognize the need for trust and cooperation in the buisness.



Free for non-comercial purpose.

Number of players

more than 10 players

Number of moderators

1 moderator


30-60 minutes


Do we have a deal? card deck

Costs sheet

excel sheet for calculations




Technical requirements

computer might be necessary to use excel sheet for calculations

How to run this game?

To run/play this game go to the game’s website and contact its creators.

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